STTOKE is about longer conversations as a result longer lasting, better coffee.

Here’s what we didn’t want:

1. Plastic which moulds 
2. Steel tumblers which tastes “bloody”
3. Glass that shatters

We didn’t want our baristas to feel the
equivalent of putting ketchup on a cake.

There’s ceramic cups in every top-tier cafe, here’s why:

Ceramic is the only natural lining that doesn’t absorb compounds. This means no residual taste/odour. 

This also means that it will not affect your precious coffee’s taste, forever. (Or at least until you finish it).

Which gives appreciation to the barista and his efforts. We’re talking about tasting drinks at 100%. Pretty sttoked right? Here’s the best part. 

We. Made. It. Shatter-Proof.
& we’re the world’s first to pull it off

features & application

Unlocking the Power of Ceramic

Experience a transformation in your coffee ritual with Swirl. Our collection isn't just visually striking; it's designed to enhance your coffee experience.

    First Slide

    Unrivaled Durability

    Our ceramic coatings provide unparalleled durability, ensuring your STTOKE coffee cup maintains its flawless appearance over time. Say goodbye to chips, scratches, and fading – our coatings are built to withstand the demands of daily use.

    Slide Temperature Regulation
    Slide Eco-Friendly
    Slide Stain Resistance
    Slide Customizable Aesthetics

Partnering with Coffee Perfection

Elevate Your Coffee Experience

Discover Our Premium Ceramic-Coated Cups and Accessories

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